Caching Plugins On GridPane

Some WordPress hosts, such as GridPane, provide excellent caching facilities at the server level. When using high-quality hosting such as that provided by GridPane, it does not make sense to use the caching facilities that are provided in any performance plugins that you may also be using.

WordPress performance plugins often include page caching functions, alongside other performance enhancement facilities such as file minification, file combination, LazyLoad, CDN, preload, and other non-page caching-related add-ons.

The performance plugin I use is WP Rocket. If you also use WP Rocket but want to switch off its page caching options because you have a good host that provides server level page caching, then you need to install the Disable Page Caching – you can find more information about it and also download it here.

Here is another helpful article in the GridPane document library. It explains more about using a caching plugin (or not) on their servers.


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